Moving in- what to expect

So the big day has finally arrived!  You have watched your napkin sketches evolve into a foundation, a shell, and now the home that you have been waiting for.  As you complete that final walk-through, before you obtain the keys to your new castle, there are some important things to keep in mind to help you prepare for the walk through, and the first year in your new home. 

  • Open doors, drawers, run water and toilets.  It may seem like an obvious point, but at that final walk through stage, any deficiencies recorded warrant a speedier fix in the future. 

  • Ensure you know where all of the important manuals are.  Heat pumps, HVACs, range hoods, and other appliances, all have manuals which you will need to review once you move into your new home.  Knowing where they are will allow you access for quick reference as you get to know your new home. 

  • New homes are dusty.  For the first little while, you will be dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming frequently, because of the excess dust that is a consequence of new construction.  However, this usually does not last beyond the first 6-9 months, so remember there is an end in sight!

  • Nail pops are normal.  The bumpy little beauties that pop up all over a new house as it settles, is often a source of woe for new home owners.  However, they are normal, and luckily can be easily fixed by your builder at the one year mark (an item that is often covered by the new home Atlantic Home Warranty).

  • Enjoy your home.  You’ve worked hard to get here, so now it's time to enjoy your hard work…you deserve it!