The Great Outdoors

As spring and summer brings us warmer weather and the sound of the birds singing in the morning, we are drawn to the outdoors, soaking up the sun, and enjoying life’s charming surroundings. We bring out the patio furniture that has been locked away all winter and we prepare for the start of our annual gardening tasks. We find the bucket of gardening tools, set out the patio cushions and open the umbrella. Hanging our clothes on the line and opening up the windows to breath in the fresh air.

Along with all of our preparations for the arrival of spring, we forget to enjoy the return of the warm season. These are but a few fun in the sun ideas to enjoy the days ahead.

  • Take the bike out for a spin on one of the many Nova Scotian Trails.
    Bring a pair of binoculars, a picnic basket, and a blanket. Take the day to just forget about how life can be a bit crazy sometimes. Soak up the sun and stick your toes in the grass.

  • Go canoeing on the quiet Bell Lake off of Alps Road.
    Morning or evening, what a beautiful way to start or end your day. Take the long way around and enjoy all of what nature has to offer. Make sure to pack bug spray and a sun hat!

  • Take the kids on a picnic at Porters Lake Provincial Park.
    Take off those sandals, dip your feet into Porters Lake and cool off. All while having a bite to eat, maybe flying a kite, playing with the dog, or just relaxing and telling stories.

  • Hike through Crow Bar Trails off of the Myra Road.
    Be sure to dress for this excursion. Bring lots of water and extra clothes. It’s all worth it once you reach the top. Beautiful views and stunning scenery. There is a lot to see when you unplug and enjoy your surroundings.

  • Enjoy a long walk on one of our stunning beaches.
    Martinique, Clam Harbour, Rainbow Haven, Lawrencetown, and Conrad’s; just to name a few. All within 30 minutes of the Eastern Shore. There are so many sandy beaches to enjoy in Nova Scotia. Grab your swimsuit and a few towels, get your toes into the sand (it’s a great exfoliant) and savor the sound of the waves and the vitamin D soaking into your skin.

  • Sit by the fireside.
    After a long day of exploring, there is nothing better than getting into your comfy clothes, and relaxing by the fire on a warm summer evening. Having a glass of wine, roasting marshmallows, and listening to some great music.

These are but a few fun activities to do for the months ahead. We have but a few months to enjoy the long days and golden sun. Dig in to your community, find out what’s happening, make a plan, or simply fly by the seat of your pants. It’s all fun in the sun after all!